Manifesting Affirmations

21 Manifesting Affirmations to Help You Realize Your Desires

Do you want to manifest your desires but don’t know where to start? Affirmations are a great way to get started! In this blog post, we will discuss 21 manifesting affirmations that you can use to help you achieve realize your desires and achieve your goals. These affirmations will help program your mind to start attracting the things that you desire into your life. If you’re ready to manifest your dreams, then read on! 

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From your mouth to the Universe’s ears

No matter how lofty your desires are, there is an often overlooked method to increase your chances of realizing them: manifesting affirmations.

If you’re not familiar with manifesting, it’s the practice of aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired outcome in order to bring it into reality. In other words, what you think about, you bring about. You see everything in this life is made up of energy, and our thoughts are just concentrated forms of energy. So when you focus your thoughts on what you want to manifest, you are essentially putting out that frequency into the Universe and attracting more of the same into your life.

How do manifesting affirmations work?

Manifesting affirmations work by programming your mind to start attracting the things that you desire into your life. The more you focus on positive thoughts and words, the more likely you are to manifest your desires.

When you say these manifesting affirmations out loud, you are putting out that frequency into the Universe and attracting more of the same into your life.

Choosing the correct manifesting affirmations


When you’re choosing manifesting affirmations, it’s important to choose ones that resonate with you. If the affirmation doesn’t feel true or doesn’t align with how you want to feel, then it’s not going to be effective.


It’s also important to keep your affirmations short, sweet, and to the point. The more concise they are, the more impactful they will be. While longer affirmations have their place, a newer practioner should stick to shorter ones to start.


Additionally, make sure your affirmations are in the present tense. This tells your subconscious mind that what you’re manifesting is already here, and it will help you bring it into reality faster. For example, “I am a magnet for wealth” works better than “I will become wealthy.”


Finally, don’t choose manifesting affirmations that are too general. The more specific you can be with your desires, the better. This way, you’re not leaving it up to the Universe to decide what you want–you’re telling it exactly what you desire, and you’re more likely

21 example affirmations you can start using right now

We know that it can be a lot to take it when you are first starting out and trying to think of manifesting affirmations on your own. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 21 manifesting affirmations that you can use to get started manifesting your dreams.

Remember, when you’re choosing manifesting affirmations, it’s important to choose ones that resonate with you, are concise, in the present tense, and are specific.

Now, without further ado, here are 21 manifesting affirmations to help you realize your desires:

“I am worthy of my desires.”

“I am open and receptive to all the abundance the Universe has to offer.”

“I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.”

“I have everything I need to manifest my desires.”

“I am confident and deserving of manifesting my desires.”

“I trust the process of manifesting my desires.”

“I release all resistance to manifesting my desires.”

“I am ready to receive my desires.”

“My desire is on its way to me now.”

“I am open to receiving my desires.”

“I am manifesting my desires easily and effortlessly.”

“I am excited to receive my desires.” 

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“My desire is coming to me at just the right time.”

“Everything is working out perfectly for me to manifest my desires.”

“The Universe is conspiring to help me manifest my desires.”

“My desire is manifesting itself in perfect ways.”

“I am grateful for my manifesting desires.”

“I love manifesting my desires.”

“It feels great to manifest my desires.”

“My life is better because I manifested my desire.”

“I am so happy and grateful that I manifest my desire.”

“My life is full of joy, love, abundance, and prosperity.”

Narrow it down

Narrow down the above list to the top four or five examples that invoke the strongest positive emotions within you, and make sure to personalize them to your specific desires. Then, start using them daily–repeat them to yourself in the morning when you wake up, throughout the day as needed, and before you go to bed at night. The more you say them, the more likely you are to manifest your desires into reality.

Final tip; show gratitude

If you are just starting out in this process, you may be thinking “what am I showing gratitude for?” The answer is: everything. Show gratitude for your manifesting desires, even if they haven’t manifested yet. Show gratitude for the process and the journey you’re on. Show gratitude for the lessons you’re learning along the way. And most importantly, show gratitude for yourself–for taking this step to manifest your dreams into reality. This is because, when you give thanks to the Universe now, you’re opening yourself up to receiving even more abundance later on.

Final thoughts

Remember, manifesting your desires is all about working with the Universe–not against it. So, choose manifesting affirmations that are positive, in the present tense, and specific to what you desire. The more you focus on what you want to manifest, and the more gratitude you have for it (even if it hasn’t happened yet), the more likely you are to see your desires manifest into reality. So get started today and be on the lookout for all the abundance headed your way.

👩👋 Before you go…. If you are looking to get serious with the power of manifestations, I mean really serious, take five minutes and watch this 100% free video (click here)
(We’ve based all 200+ of our manifestation articles on this system)

What do you think?

Written by Kristen Michelle

Kristen Michelle is an editor by trade and a writer by hobby. With a masters in literacy and a passion for new age topics, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with well researched and articulated articles.


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