Meditation With Affirmations

Meditation with Affirmations: How to Use Positive Statements to Create Your Own Reality

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut and can’t seem to get out? Are you struggling with anxiety or depression? If so, meditation with affirmations may be just what the doctor ordered In this article, we will discuss what meditation with affirmations is, how to do it, and the benefits of using positive statements to create your own reality. Additionally, we will also provide you with 25 positively-charged affirmations to kick start your journey to living the life you desire and deserve.

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The power of meditation

Those who know, know! Meditation is a powerful ally on the path to self-discovery and personal transformation. Meditation has been shown to improve mental and physical health, reduce stress, promote relaxation, increase focus and concentration, boost immune function, and much more. Those of us who are experienced practioners can attest to the fact that once you “get it”, meditation becomes a lifelong friend.

What is meditation with affirmations?

Meditation with affirmations is a form of meditation that uses positive statements, or affirmations, to focus and redirect the mind. When we meditate with affirmations, we are essentially training our minds to focus on positive thoughts and outcomes. This type of meditation can work to bridge the gap between what you desire and what you are currently experiencing in your life.

How to do meditation with affirmations

Now that we know what meditation with affirmations is, let’s discuss how to do it.


Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You may want to play soft, calming music in the background to help you relax.


Close your eyes and take a couple deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. As you inhale, imagine yourself filling up with white light. This white light is filled with love, peace, and happiness. As you exhale, imagine all of your stress and worries leaving your body.


Begin to repeat your affirmation out loud or in your head. For example, “I am happy and healthy.” Repeat this affirmation as many times as you need to until you believe it with all of your heart.


When you’re finished, sit for a few moments and bask in the peacefulness of meditation. Notice how you feel both physically and mentally. If your mind has wandered, simply bring your attention back to your breath and your affirmation.

The benefits of meditation with affirmations

There are many benefits to using meditation with affirmations, including:

– Allowing you to take control of your life

– Helping you to manifest your desires

– Increasing your self-confidence and self-esteem

– Reducing stress and anxiety

– Improving your mental and physical health

– Boosting your immune system

– Filling you with a sense of peace, love, and happiness

35 meditation with affirmations to get you started

If you’re new to meditation with affirmations, here are 35 positive statements to get you started on your journey:

Affirmations for love

“I am worthy of love.”

“My perfect partner is out there, and I am open and ready to receive them.”

“I love myself unconditionally.”

“I release all past pain and hurt from my heart.”

“I am open to giving and receiving love.”

Affirmations for happiness

“I choose to be happy.”

“My cup overflows with happiness.”

“I am grateful for what I have.”

“I attract joy and happiness into my life.”

“I am surrounded by love and light.”

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Affirmations for success

“I am confident and successful.”

“I trust my intuition and follow my heart.”

“I take inspired action towards my goals.”

“I attract abundance and prosperity into my life.”

“I am grateful for my many blessings.”

Affirmations for health

“I am healthy and whole.”

“My body is strong and full of energy.”

“I make healthy choices that support my well-being.”

“I am surrounded by people who support my health and happiness.”

“I am grateful for my good health.”

Affirmations for self-esteem

“I love and approve of myself just as I am.”

“I am worthy of respect and admiration.”

“I am confident and fabulous.”

“I treat myself with kindness and compassion.”

“I am enough just as I am.”

Affirmations for abundance

“I have everything I need to create a life of abundance.”

“I am open and receptive to all forms of abundance.”

“I am grateful for the many blessings in my life.”

“My cup overflows with abundance.”

“I attract wealth and success into my life.”

Affirmations for positivity

“I am a positive force in the world.”

“I choose to see the good in all people and situations.”

“I radiate love, light, and positivity.”

“My thoughts are filled with positive and uplifting messages.”

“I attract only good into my life.”

Make them yours

Feel free to use any of the affirmations above, or create your own. The most important thing is that you believe them with all of your heart. Remember, meditation with affirmations is a powerful tool that can help you to manifest your desires and take control of your life. Use it wisely and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer!

Give thanks to the Universe

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I give thanks to the Universe?” Well, it’s simple really. The more thankful you are, the more good you will attract into your life. So take a moment each day to give thanks for all of the blessings in your life. This could be anything from your health and wellbeing, to your family and friends, to your material possessions. Whatever you’re grateful for, give thanks and watch your life transform!

The bottom line

Meditation with affirmations is a powerful tool that can help you to manifest your desires and take control of your life. Use it wisely and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer! Give thanks to the Universe for all of the good in your life, and watch your life transform!

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What do you think?

Written by Kristen Michelle

Kristen Michelle is an editor by trade and a writer by hobby. With a masters in literacy and a passion for new age topics, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with well researched and articulated articles.


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