Neville Goddard Techniques For Manifestation And Visualization

Using the Neville Goddard Techniques to create your own reality

Neville Goddard techniques are powerful tools for manifestation and visualization. People all across the world use these techniques to bring their desires into their life — things like money, a new job, a new relationship, improving their health and so much more.

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Who was Neville Goddard?

Neville Goddard was a man who devoted his life to understanding the power of the mind. He was a respected academic and author, and he traveled the world sharing his knowledge with others. His work continues to be popular today because his techniques are so effective.

He was born in Barbados in 1905 and spent most of his adult life living in America. He wrote many books on the subject of manifestation, including The Law and The Promise and Feeling is the Secret. He taught that through the use of affirmative prayer and visualization, it is possible to manifest desires into physical form.

Visualization and Manifestation

There are two main types of Neville Goddard techniques: manifestation and visualization. Manifestation techniques are used to create what you want in your life, while visualization techniques are used to help you see yourself achieving your goals.

Goddard’s manifestation techniques involve using affirmative statements, or “I am” prayers, to plant the seeds of desired outcomes in the subconscious mind. These affirmations are then combined with visualization exercises in which the individual imagines themselves already in possession of their desire. Through repetition of these steps, it is believed that the subconscious mind will eventually come to accept the desired outcome as reality and begin to take steps to make it happen.

Goddard’s visualization techniques are similar to those used in manifestation but focus solely on the act of visualization. This involves creating a clear mental image of the desired outcome and holding onto it for as long as possible. The more vividly the image is held in the mind, the more likely it is to manifest in physical form.

The following are five steps to performing a Neville Goddard manifestation: 

1. Choose your desire: What do you want to manifest? Be specific.

2. Write an affirmation: Create a statement that affirms your desired outcome as if it has already happened. For example, “I am now driving my new car.”

3. Repeat your affirmation: Repeat your affirmation out loud, several times a day.

4. Visualize your desire: Close your eyes and imagine your desired outcome as if it has already happened. See yourself in the new car, feel the steering wheel in your hands, smell the new car scent. The more vividly you can imagine it, the better.

5. Take action steps: Once you have repeated your affirmation and visualization for some time, begin taking action steps towards your goal. If you are manifesting a new car, research different models, prices, etc.


The following are five steps to performing a Neville Goddard visualization: 

1. Choose your desire: What do you want to visualize? Be specific. (Noticing a theme here?)

2. Create a clear mental image: Close your eyes and create a clear mental image of your desired outcome. See yourself in the new car, feel the steering wheel in your hands, smell the new car scent. The more vividly you can imagine it, the better.

3. Hold onto the image: Hold onto the image for as long as possible. Try to keep it in your mind for at least a few minutes each day.

4. Repeat regularly: Repeat this visualization exercise regularly, until you achieve your desired outcome.

5. Take action steps: Once you have repeated your visualization for some time, begin taking action steps towards your goal. If you are visualizing a new car, research different models, prices, etc.

In both the above techniques it is paramount that you let the positive energy flow through you, if negative thoughts or questions creep in, remind yourself that you are worthy of these things and don’t get lost in the details. I like to ask the universe for “this or something better” — because sometimes  what we think we want isn’t necessarily what’s best for us.

Closing thoughts

If you’re looking to manifest your desires using the power of positive thinking, visualization, and prayer, then Neville Goddard techniques are worth exploring. Just remember that it is important to focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want, in order to create positive change. The more specific and clear your desire, the better your chances of manifestation.

Through the use of affirmative prayer and visualization, it is possible to manifest desires into physical form. These techniques have been used by spiritual teachers for centuries to help people create the lives they want. Try incorporating them into your own life and see what kind of results you can achieve.

If you are looking to get serious with the power of manifestations, including step by step directions… start with this 100% free video

What do you think?

Written by Kristen Michelle

Kristen Michelle is an editor by trade and a writer by hobby. With a masters in literacy and a passion for new age topics, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with well researched and articulated articles.


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