Manifesting Love Affirmations [Guide & Specific Examples]

Manifesting Love Affirmations

Everyone deserves true love, but many times life gets in the way. We get busy, or isolated due to situations out of our control, and our search for love gets put on the back burner. That’s where manifesting love affirmations can be helpful.

At a summary level an affirmation is a statement that affirms something to be true. So a manifesting love affirmation would be a statement affirming that you are worthy of love and will attract it into your life.

The idea behind affirmations is that they work by programing your subconscious mind to believe what you are affirming to be true. And once your subconscious mind believes something to be true, it will start working to make it a reality in your life.

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Manifesting love affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself on a regular basis, in order to manifest your dream relationship. The key is to really believe the words you’re saying and feel the emotions of already having the relationship you desire.

For example, some manifesting love affirmations might be:

“I am worthy of true love.”

“I attract loving, kind people into my life.”

“I am open to receiving love.”

“I am deserving of a deeply fulfilling relationship.”

Repeating these statements to yourself on a daily basis, will help to program your subconscious mind to believe that you are worthy of love and that you will attract it into your life.


Preparing your mind and environment to do your affirmations is important in order to get the most out of them. Make sure you’re in a place where you feel comfortable and won’t be interrupted. It’s also helpful to have a mirror nearby so that you can look into your own eyes while saying the affirmations. This helps to create a deeper connection with the words you’re speaking.


Be sure to really feel the emotions of already having the relationship you desire while repeating the affirmations. This is an important part of manifesting love into your life. Start with repeating your affirmations at least once a day and then increase to two or three times a day as you feel comfortable.

You can also write out your manifesting love affirmations and post them somewhere you’ll see them often, such as on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator.

The most important thing is to be consistent with your affirmations and really believe the words you’re saying. Over time, you will start to see positive changes in your love life as you manifest your dream relationship into reality.

In closing, if you remember anything from this guide, remember these three things: 

1. Manifesting love affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself on a regular basis, in order to manifest your dream relationship.

2. The key is to really believe the words you’re saying and feel the emotions of already having the relationship you desire. Feel the love you deserve right now!

3. Find a quiet place to clear your mind and confidently repeat your affirmations out loud. You can also write them down and post them in places you’ll see often.

If you follow these three tips, you’ll be well on your way to manifesting your dream relationship using manifesting love affirmations. Just remember to be consistent and believe in yourself, and you’ll soon be enjoying the loving relationship you’ve always wanted.

If you are looking to get serious with the power of manifestations, including step by step directions… start with this 100% free video

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Written by Kristen Michelle

Kristen Michelle is an editor by trade and a writer by hobby. With a masters in literacy and a passion for new age topics, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with well researched and articulated articles.


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