New Moon Affirmation

New Moon Affirmation: How to Harness the Power of the New Moon for Your Highest Good

The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, and it’s the perfect time to set your intentions for the month ahead. This New Moon affirmation will help you harness the power of the lunar cycle to achieve your highest good. Use it every New Moon to set your intentions and create an action plan for what you want to achieve in the coming month.

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The power of the lunar cycle

Most people don’t know just how powerful the lunar cycle is on our lives. Each cycle of the Moon affects us in different ways, depending on which phase it’s in. The most common cycles are the New Moon, Full Moon, and Waxing and Waning Moons. Each of these represents a different energy that can be harnessed for our benefit.

What is the “new moon”

If you are unfamiliar with the New Moon, it is the phase of the moon when it is not visible in the sky. The New Moon occurs when the sun and moon are aligned in the sky, and this alignment signals a new beginning. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too do our emotions and energy levels. The New Moon is a time to start fresh, and set our intentions for the month ahead.

How to use New Moon affirmations

A New Moon affirmation is a positive statement that you can repeat to yourself during the New Moon phase. By repeating these affirmations, you are setting your intention for the month ahead and tapping into the power of the lunar cycle. Spoken with the right conviction, New Moon affirmations can help you manifest your desires and achieve your highest good.

Selecting the perfect New Moon affirmation

There are two different types of affirmations you want to use on a new moon. The first are affirmations specifically referencing the new moon and it’s ability to clear your slate and provide you with a new beginning. The second type are affirmations for what you want to manifest in the coming month.

 12 New Moon Affirmation Examples:

– I release all that no longer serves me, and open myself up to limitless possibilities.

– This New Moon brings me clarity and insight so that I may move forward confidently.

– I am grateful for the New Moon’s fresh start, and I set my intention to (insert your goal here).

– The New Moon fills me with hope and possibility.

– I am ready to release my past and embrace all that the future has in store for me.

– I am open to receiving all the abundance that the Universe has to offer.

– I am deserving of love, happiness, and all good things.

– I am grateful for the New Moon’s energy of new beginnings, and I set my intention to (insert your goal here).

– The New Moon fills me with hope and possibility.

– I am ready to release my past and embrace all that the future has in store for me.

– I am open to receiving all the abundance that the Universe has to offer.

– I am deserving of love, happiness, and all good things.

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10 Affirmations for manifesting your desires

– I am confident and deserving of (insert your goal here).

– I attract abundance to me easily and effortlessly.

– I am surrounded by love, support, and good vibes only.

– Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time.

– My hard work is paying off, and I am seeing results in (insert your goal here).

– I release all doubt, fear, and worry, and replace it with faith and confidence.

– I am grateful for everything that comes into my life.

– I am happy, healthy, and whole.

– I love and approve of myself just the way I am.

– My cup runneth over with (insert your goal here).

How to use New Moon affirmations

Now that you have selected your New Moon affirmations, it’s time to put them into action! The best way to do this is to write them down on some paper or index cards, and place them somewhere where you will see them every day. This could be by your bedside table, on your bathroom mirror, or even in your car.

Make sure to say your affirmations out loud, with conviction, and really feel the words sinking into your subconscious mind. The more you repeat them, the more they will become ingrained in your belief system, and the more likely you are to manifest your desires.

In closing

New Moon affirmations are a powerful tool that you can use to manifest your desires and achieve your highest good. By tapping into the energy of the New Moon, you can set your intention for the month ahead and make positive changes in your life. So why not give it a try? Pick out some affirmations that resonate with you, and see what happens! New Moon Blessings!

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Written by Kristen Michelle

Kristen Michelle is an editor by trade and a writer by hobby. With a masters in literacy and a passion for new age topics, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with well researched and articulated articles.


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