List of layer-2 blockchains: Focusing on scalability and speed

List of layer-2 blockchain networks: Enhancing scalability and speed

List of layer-2 blockchain networks: Enhancing scalability and speed

Layer-2 networks are a new field of technology innovation that aims to enhance the capabilities of Layer-1 Blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. They address fundamental blockchain limitations, notably in the areas of speed, scalability and cost. Layer-2 solutions operate on top of main chains, processing transactions and interactions before they are recorded to the base layer. This reduces congestion and fees.

Layer-2 solutions are the Lightning Network, which facilitates fast and efficient transactions via state channels. Other platforms, such as Arbitrum or Celer Network, that scale Ethereum transactions, also fall into this category. The solutions are based on a variety of mechanisms, including sidechains, rollups, and state channels. Each has its own unique way to overcome the limitations of the base layer.

Layer-2 network evolution is an important piece of the puzzle for blockchain adoption. The development of Layer-2 networks is crucial to ensuring that the blockchain ecosystem meets user performance requirements without compromises on security and decentralization. Layer-2 networks are constantly evolving, as a result of the fast pace of innovation. Numerous projects continue to emerge and evolve in order to serve the community’s diverse needs.

Basics of Layer-2 Networks

Layer-2 networks exist as protocols on top of the primary blockchains. They are commonly called Layer-1. They are designed to improve the efficiency and scalability of their blockchains.


  • Scalability: These networks are designed to handle more transactions per second compared with Layer-1 networks.
  • Efficiency: Layer-2 technologies increase transaction speeds while also reducing costs.
  • Security: Although they are a separate layer from the main chains, these layers inherit their security features.

There are two types of layer-2 solutions:

State Channels

  • Off-chain transactions are conducted by participants
  • The main blockchain has been updated with the final state


  • Off-chain transactions bundle together multiple transactions
  • On Layer-1, place the single proof and statement.


  • Parallel blockchains to the mainchain
  • Two-way peg connects the two halves

The Layer-1 Blockchain records all transactions executed in layer-2 networks as a single proof or transaction. The Layer-1 Blockchain remains as the final custodian for security and decentralization, while Layer-2 Networks handle most of the transactional traffic.

Popular layer-2 projects

The layer-2 network is essential to enhancing transaction speed and capacity of blockchain systems. These networks provide solutions on top of Layer-1 Blockchains that enable faster, more secure transactions.

Lightning Network

Lightning Network, a protocol for instant and low-cost payments, operates over Bitcoin. The Lightning Network is a payment protocol that operates on top of Bitcoin, offering instant and low-cost transactions.

Polygon MATIC

Polygon (formerly called the Matic Network) is a scaling solution that uses multiple chains for Ethereum. It is an infrastructure that allows you to build and connect blockchain networks which can seamlessly interact with Ethereum’s main chain. This allows for cheaper and faster transactions.


Optimism uses Optimistic rollups as a Layer-2 solution to scale Ethereum. This allows for developers to quickly deploy decentralized apps with little change, while facilitating fast transactions and decreasing fees.


Arbitrum, a project which uses rollup technology (specifically Optimistic Rollups) to improve Ethereum’s abilities, is also based on this. Arbitrum reduces the cost of transactions by batching them into one. It also improves the efficiency.

Layer-2 Scaling Benefits

Layer-2 is a complementary technology built upon the base layer, also known as Layer-1. These solutions aim to improve the performance and scalability for blockchain networks.

  • Layer-2 networks allow for a greater number of transactions to be processed per second than their Layer-1 counterparts. The blockchain can be used for many different applications.
  • Layer-2 solutions reduce costs by offloading transaction from the main blockchain. Blockchain technology is more affordable and useful for daily transactions because of its cost effectiveness.
  • Increased Speed: Layer-2 network transactions are processed faster because they do not require consensus for each transaction on the main blockchain. The speed of Layer-2 networks is critical for applications that require immediate settlement like decentralized exchanges or payment systems.
  • Layer-2 networks inherit many of the security features from their Layer-1 Blockchain. Security is essential to maintaining trust in scaling solutions.
  • Versatility – Different Layer-2 options like sidechains and state channels each offer unique benefits. This allows developers to select the best solution for their needs.

Collectively, these benefits work together to overcome the limitations of Layer-1 Blockchains. This supports a more intensive and extensive use of blockchains across various sectors.

The Challenges of Adopting Layer-2

There are a number of challenges to consider when adopting Layer-2 networks:

Security and trust: While Layer-2 solutions benefit from the security provided by the main blockchain, establishing their security as a solution is crucial. These are two different blockchain ecosystems, each with its own vulnerabilities. This is especially true in the way they interact with Layer-1 chains.

  • The user experience is complicated by these solutions. Layer-2 networks require users to understand the complexity of transactions. This includes managing extra steps to deposit and withdraw funds from and to main chains.
  • Layer-2 Solutions may not be interoperable, which could lead to fragmented eco-systems. It is not always possible to guarantee a smooth interaction between the Layer-2 network and main chain.
  • Trading off decentralization: Layer-2 networks may optimize their speed and scaleability but there could be some trade-offs with the degree of centralization. It can be a concern about power dynamics in these networks.
  • Economical and Fee Structures. The economic model and the fee structure of Layer-2 may be different from those in the main chain. This can have an impact on how developers and users interact with these platforms. It is important to carefully examine these differences in order to avoid deterring adoption.
  • It can be difficult for developers to become ready to work with Layer-2 if they have to learn new programming languages or protocols. Documentation and support are essential to encourage a robust ecosystem of development.

In order to achieve the adoption of Layer-2 Blockchain networks and their continued utility, it is vital that stakeholders carefully examine these factors.


What is the difference between layer 1 and 2 of blockchain?

Layer 1 networks, which prioritize security and decentralization in the blockchain, are the base structure. Layer 2 networks, on the other hand, are secondary protocols that build upon Layer 1 for scalability, transaction speed, and to reduce the burden of the main chain.

What Layer 2 network offers the highest transaction speed and lowest fee?

Polygon, Optimism and Arbitrum networks have all reported improvements in throughput and reduced costs. Optimism and Arbitrum use Optimistic rollups and Polygon uses a range of scaling options, including sidechains.

What are the top Layer 2 solutions for Ethereum scaling?

State channels, Plasma, Optimistic Rollups and Zero-Knowledge Rollups are some of the prominent solutions that address Ethereum scalability problems. The latter two offer a compromise between efficiency and security.

What are the benefits of layer 2 blockchains?

Layer 2 networks use the security model established by the Layer 1 Blockchain and implement off-chain computation or solutions to process transactions faster while posting data periodically back to the main blockchain.

What are some of the emerging Layer 2 Blockchain projects that you should be watching in 2024?

In 2024, emerging projects like StarkNet that utilize Zero-Knowledge rollups and zkSync which pioneered Zero-Knowledge Proofs are worth monitoring as they will push the limits of privacy and scalability.

What is the benefit of layer 2 blockchains to developers who create decentralized apps?

Layer 2 Blockchains offer developers a better user experience and greater adoption through their increased scalability. This is due to the lower transaction fees and quicker confirmation times.

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