Sacral Chakra Stones

What are Sacral Chakra Stones and What are Their Benefits? Five Powerful Gemstones

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. This chakra is associated with creativity, pleasure, sexuality, and emotions. If it is blocked or out of balance, you may experience problems such as low self-esteem, addiction, lack of creativity, and emotional instability. Sacral chakra stones can help to restore balance and bring about positive change. In this blog post, we will discuss five powerful gemstones that can help to heal and energize the sacral chakra!

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What are chakras and how do they become blocked?

The sacral chakra is one of seven major energy centers in the body known as chakras. These chakras are responsible for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When one or more of these chakras becomes blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical, emotional, and mental health problems. Chakras can become blocked due to a variety of reasons, including stress, trauma, and negative thought patterns.

What are sacral chakra stones?

Sacral chakra stones are gemstones that are associated with the sacral chakra. These stones can help to heal and balance the sacral chakra. When selecting these crystals, it is important to choose those that resonate with you. The following are five sacral chakra stones that are known for their powerful healing properties:


Carnelian is a red or orange-colored stone that is associated with the sacral chakra. This stone is known for its ability to increase creativity, promote passion, and boost self-confidence. Carnelian is also believed to help with fertility issues and sexual dysfunction.

Orange Calcite: 

Orange calcite is a sacral chakra stone that is associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotional healing. This stone is believed to help release blockages and increase energy flow. Orange calcite is also thought to help with fertility issues and sexual dysfunction.

Petrified Wood: 

Petrified wood is a sacral chakra stone that is associated with grounding, stability, and security. This stone is believed to help release blockages and increase energy flow. Petrified wood is also thought to be helpful for those who are experiencing grief or loss.

Tiger’s Eye: 

Tiger’s eye is a sacral chakra stone that is associated with courage, strength, and willpower. This stone is believed to help release blockages and increase energy flow. Tiger’s eye is also thought to be helpful for those who are dealing with addiction or compulsive behavior.


Turquoise is a sacral chakra stone that is associated with communication, creativity, and self-expression. This stone is believed to help release blockages and increase energy flow. Turquoise is also thought to be helpful for those who are struggling with shyness or social anxiety.

How to use sacral chakra stones?

There are a variety of ways to use these stones. You can carry them with you, wear them as jewelry, or place them in your home or office. You can also meditate with sacral chakra stones or use them in energy healing treatments.

Carry them with you

You can carry sacral chakra gemstones with you in your pocket or purse. This will allow you to receive their healing energies throughout the day. If you find yourself feeling blocked or out of balance, you can hold the stones in your hand and take a few deep breaths.

Wear them as jewelry

You can wear sacral chakra stones as jewelry, such as a necklace, bracelet, or ring. This will allow you to receive their healing energies throughout the day. It is also a good idea to choose jewelry that is made with natural materials, such as wood or stone.

Place them in your home or office

You can place sacral chakra crystals in your home or office. This will create a peaceful and calming environment. By keeping your work area free of clutter, you will be able to focus better and be more productive.

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Meditate with sacral chakra stones

You can meditate with sacral chakra stones. This will allow you to receive their healing energies and connect with your higher self. When meditating with sacral chakra stones, it is important to sit in a comfortable position and focus on your breath.

Include affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that should be included when using these stones. By repeating positive statements, you will be able to reprogram your mind for success. Some affirmations that you can use with sacral chakra stones include:

“I am creative and expressive.”

“I am confident and assertive.”

“I am surrounded by abundance.”

“I am connected to my sacral chakra.”

“I release all blockages and allow myself to receive.”

When you need a boost, find a quiet spot and repeat these sacral chakra affirmations out loud or in your mind. You can also write them down on paper and keep them with you throughout the day.

The bottom line

Sacral chakra stones are a powerful way to heal and balance your sacral chakra. By carrying them with you, wearing them as jewelry, or placing them in your environment, you can receive their healing energies. Meditating with sacral chakra stones and using affirmations can also be helpful. If you find yourself struggling with sacral chakra imbalances, consider working with a sacral chakra stone.

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What do you think?

Written by Kristen Michelle

Kristen Michelle is an editor by trade and a writer by hobby. With a masters in literacy and a passion for new age topics, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with well researched and articulated articles.


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