Selenite Meaning

Selenite Meaning: The Stone of Spiritual Purification And Healing At Your Fingertips

Have you ever touched a selenite stone? If so, you know just how wonderfully smooth and serene it feels. Selenite is one of the most unique stones in the world due to its transparency and optical properties. But what many people don’t know about selenite is its powerful spiritual healing properties. Selenite is known as the “stone of spiritual purification and healing at your fingertips.” In this blog post, we will discuss the selenite meaning and some of its metaphysical properties.

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What is selenite and where does it come from?

Selenite is a type of gypsum crystal that forms in massive beds. It is found all over the world but some of the most beautiful selenite comes from Morocco. Selenite gets its name from the Greek goddess Selene, who was the goddess of the moon. The selenite meaning is associated with purity, serenity, and divine guidance.

Selenite’s Metaphysical Properties:

Selenite is a powerful stone that can be used for spiritual healing and purification. It is known as the “stone of truth” because it helps to clear away negative energies and emotional blockages. Selenite also has the ability to open the third eye chakra and connect you with your higher self. When you work with selenite, you can experience a deep sense of peace and tranquility.

How to Use Selenite for Spiritual Healing:

If you are looking to cleanse your aura or release negative energy, selenite is the perfect stone for you. Simply hold a selenite wand in your hand and sweep it around your body from head to toe. You can also place selenite in each corner of a room to create a protective grid. Selenite is also an excellent stone for meditation and can be used to connect with your higher self or the angelic realm.

The selenite meaning in relation to the chakras:

Selenite is most commonly associated with the crown chakra. This chakra is located at the top of the head and is responsible for our connection to the divine. Selenite can also be used to open and balance all of the other chakras. When the chakras are in alignment, we can experience physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.

Selenite’s benefits for physical and emotional health:

In addition to its spiritual healing properties, selenite also has many benefits for physical and emotional health. Selenite is known as a stone of mental clarity and can help to clear away negative thoughts and emotions. It is also said to be helpful for anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Selenite can also help to improve your focus and concentration.

Other ways to use selenite for personal growth:

Selenite can also be used for personal growth and transformation. If you are looking to make a positive change in your life, selenite can help to guide and support you. Selenite is also an excellent stone for manifesting your dreams and goals. Simply hold a piece of selenite in your hand and visualize what you would like to create in your life.

15 Affirmations to unblock your crown chakra and maximize your Selenite

Another way to work with selenite is to use affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that help to reprogram your subconscious mind. When you say an affirmation, you are sending a message to your higher self that you are ready to receive guidance and support.

Here are 15 affirmations to unblock your crown chakra and maximize the selenite meaning in your life: 

-I am open to receiving divine guidance.

-I am surrounded by love and light.

-I am connected to my higher self.

-I release all fears and doubts.

-I am safe and protected.

-I trust the Universe has my best interests at heart.

-I am ready to receive all the good that life has to offer.

-I am worthy of love and happiness.

-I am deserving of success and abundance.

-I am powerful and confident.

-I am filled with serenity and peace.

-I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe.

-I am open to new possibilities.

-I am ready for positive change.

-I am infinite potential.

When you work with selenite, you can experience spiritual healing and purification on a deep level. Selenite is the perfect stone for those who are looking to connect with their higher selves or unblock their chakras. Remember to use selenite affirmations to maximize its selenite meaning in your life!.

Final thoughts on selenite meaning:

Selenite is a beautiful and powerful stone that can be used for spiritual healing, purification, and personal growth. If you are looking to connect with your higher self or the angelic realm, selenite is the perfect stone for you. Selenite can also help to improve your focus and concentration and release negative thoughts and emotions. Good luck on your selenite journey!

What do you think?

Written by Kristen Michelle

Kristen Michelle is an editor by trade and a writer by hobby. With a masters in literacy and a passion for new age topics, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with well researched and articulated articles.


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