Who’s talking about it? (5/5)

Because Solana is harder to develop applications on, adoption is going to be a bit slower. It’s not a simple port of Ethereum, though, so as the number of dApps built on Solana grows, it has the potential to scale into something much better than Etheruem.

Nevertheless, some celebrities have taken an active interest in Solana and Twitter is pretty excited. In December 2021, former first Lady Melania Trump announced plans to launch an NFT on Solana. Solana foundation was quick to disassociate itself to stay politically neutral. Just in case you were interested, it was available from December 16 till the 31st and the project is titled ‘Melania’s vision’.

Other projects include a decentralized exchange known as Serum, a derivatives platform called Mango, and Tulip Protocol, which is a yield farming aggregator using auto-compounding strategies.

Do you think Salano will be the “Ethereum killer” it is touted as on social media? Will it flip Ethereum? Hard to say, but this is surely one project to keep an eye on.

Written by Writers Room


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